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Social Security Disability Offices

by Ryan Kinnar5 min read
social security disability offices

The following are the headquarters for each of the Regions of the Social Security Disability Offices:

Region 1: Boston

Region 2: New York

Region 3: Philadelphia

Region 4: Atlanta

Region 5: Chicago

Region 6: Dallas

Region 7: Kansas City

Region 8: Denver

Region 9: San Francisco

Region 10: Seattle


The Social Security program was instituted in 1935 as a Federal program of social insurance and benefits. The US Social Security system is one of the largest government programs in the world, and the benefits are retirement income, Medicare, Medicaid, death and survivor benefits, and disability income. Social Security Disability, also known as ‘workers disability’, is one of the Social Security programs that pays out a monthly benefit to a person who hasn’t reached retirement age but is disabled and therefore unable to work.


There are millions of Americans across the country who require this benefit. In fact, there were more than 2.3 million new applications for Social Security Disability in 2016 alone. To be able provide for so many claimants, the Social Security Administration has divided their Social Security Disability department into 10 regions which oversee more than 1,600 field offices, 37 tele-servicing centers and 8 applicant processing centers. More than 62,000 federal employees manage the Social Security Disability department.




Each of the Regions is responsible for a number of states. For example, Region 1, headquartered in Boston, manages Social Security Disability claims for the states of Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. To find out which region you would fall under, please visit


Each region is equipped with Social Security Administration Field Offices, Disability Determination Services, Tele-Service Centers and the Social Security Administration’s Office of Disability Adjudication & Reviews. The Field Offices are where Social Security Disability claims are received – personally, telephonically or online. While the Field Office does the first cut assessment of the claim by checking for non-medical requirements such as age or employment, it is the Disability Determination Services office that decides whether the claimant is eligible for the benefit under the laws of that particular state. (The criteria for approval for Social Security Disability vary from state to state. Each regional headquarter of the Social Security Disability Office is responsible for multiple states and has to ensure that the different standards of approval are adhered to.)


If the claim is found to be valid by the Disability Determination Services, the claim is sent back approved to the Field Office for processing. A Claims Representative is assigned to the person, who will handle his or her case going forward, and ensure that the claimant of Social Security Disability receives his or her benefit regularly. However, if the claim is declined, then the claimant can apply to the Office of Disability Adjudication & Review to have his or her application re-evaluated.  


For further information about Social Security Disability Offices in your state, please visit Social Security Disability Offices.


Read this articles to find out your Social Security Disability Status.


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