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Learning From Social Security Disability Forums

by Ryan Kinnar5 min read
social security disability forums

People want to hear stories and experiences similar to theirs’. They learn from these stories and apply them to their own situations if needed. Groups like social security disability forums allow Social Security Agency members, beneficiaries, claimants, and applicants to share their stories and experiences to those who might need to learn from them. The following are among the active forums about SSI and SSDI disability discussions.


Social Security Disability Forums

There are several online forums you can visit to see what people say about their concerns regarding benefits and application on SSA. Among these forums include the following:


  • Disability Benefits Help Forum  – It offers free Disability Evaluation to see if you are eligible for SSI or SSDI benefits. Simply click on the choices, fill in the personal information required and hit Do I Qualify button. 

The forum also lists the active topics to see the real time topics that online visitors discuss. Concerns and issues are also classified as Application Process, Medical Conditions, and Social Security Programs.


  • Social Security Disability Facts – This is an independent forum from the SSA. It discusses application process, medical condition, social security programs. This forum is also a good place to see admin announcements and leadership bios.

You can also see some sample letters that you can use as guides. Among these letters include administrative law judge’s hearing letters, initial filing letters, letters following benefits, miscellaneous letters and information, and reconsideration request letters.


You can also check here the actual letters received from SSA about your Disability Benefits application. Check out your SSDI statistics if they are updated. The forum is dedicated to people that are applying for or are currently on Disability.


In looking for social security disability forums, look for the real time chat. Here, you can ask other people’s opinion about your concern. Among the topics discussed on these forums are the following:


  • Administrative Law Judge Hearing
  • Appeals Council And Federal Court Appeals
  • Consultative Exams
  • Initial Filing Questions
  • quality review
  • reconsideration requests
  • SSDI and SSI disability application processes
  • virtual screening unit


You can also check out other useful topics and issues such as laws, beneficiary discussions, and veteran benefits.


Important Notes to Remember

It is essential that you filter the information you consider from forums. Some people are just venting out their feelings here and not necessarily factual. You need to verify the information. It is recommended to talk to a legitimate customer service representative from SSA for your concern.


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